Rosalie Anabeth Pettigrew

Marauder, 18, Quidditch Chaser

"She's imperfect but she tries She is good but she lies She is hard on herself She is broken and won't ask for help She is messy but she's kind She is lonely most of the time."

- About Me -

House: Gryffindor
Height: 5'8
Eye Color: Hazel
Patronus: Stag
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Pureblood
Friends: James Potter [Childhood Friend], Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Lily Evans, Marleen McKinnon, Dorcas Meadows, and Regulus Black
Personality: Innocent, A natural leader, Average mannered, Shallow, Requires constant attention, Pessimistic, Funny, Charismatic, Easy-going, Risk-taker, Elitist, and Apathetic.
Amortentia: Honeysuckle, Lemon, Sweater's, Eucalyptus, Animal Fur, Peanut Butter, Chocolate, and Old Books.

- Wand Information -

Wand Wood: Hazel Wood
Wand Length: 14 1/5 "
Wand Core: Unicorn

- Family -

Mother -Mrs. Pettigrew
Father- Mr. Pettigrew
Brother- Peter Pettigrew

- Married Life -

During my 5th year, with my brother and our friends, I had ended up sneaking off with one of our friends as we had left the school ground due to having, been in love. It was during a new moon whenever Sirius Black had, proposed to me which was exciting though, after I had said yes [Of course], the both of us had vowed to not tell our friends, mostly due to the war and more important things going on.

-Aesthetic -

- Contact Info -

Email: [email protected]
Discord: MarauderSpook#8451
Wattpad: @MarauderSpook
Quotev: MarauderSpook
Pinterest: @MarauderSpook

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